The Shrinking Cave

First there was darkness then there was misery....
I'm trapped. It seems like all around me there are rounded walls. I just sit here waiting for my own death, hoping that the walls don't get smaller but they do, slowly and slowly constricting my frailness. All I have now are my thoughts and hope.
Months have gone by, why am I not dead? My body doesn't want to budge. It's like I'm floating in pitch-blackness without clothes, without a life. But maybe I AM dead? But... how can I still think when I'm dead?
I kick and scream and sometimes I hear voices, sometimes it sounds like someone is talking to me. I'm scared I'll die alone in this cave and no one will find me. I don't know how I've survived so long without food, I'm so hungry .
I try to move but I can't, I can only sit. Lately... I've been hearing more screams,
I start crying, I'm too young to die. A light opens up and I fall toward it. The cave walls constrict me; they are wet to the touch.
I squeeze out the passageway and an arm pulls me out the rest of the way, a rescuer perhaps? I am spun around and I see her; the woman. I then cry when I realize the horror... I wasn't dying... I was being born.